Day 4 Well this week has gone by in a flash! It only seems like yesterday we were team building and exploring and now it’s our last night and we’re packing to come home. The children have been fantastic this week. They have challenged themselves; supported each other; formed new friendships; and consolidated existing ones.
Woodlands – Wear it Pink Wednesday!
Day 3 Another brilliant day at Woodlands! After a much better night’s sleep for everyone, bacon rolls for breakfast helped prepare us for another day of activities. The children have really settled into the week and have been impressing all the JHS and Woodlands staff with their enthusiasm, determination to succeed and support and encouragement
Woodlands – Tuesday
Day Two After varied amounts of sleep, we fuelled ourselves for the day with cereal and croissants. The weather was very kind and just perfect for climbing and canoeing. The cavers found out very quickly that the water levels were higher than normal and came back as wet as the canoers who jumped into the
Woodlands Day 1
Day 1: After an uneventful journey, we arrived in sunny Wales! The children unpacked, had lunch and then embarked on an afternoon of team building activities. The evening activity was a night walk, where we lay on top of a hill (not a mountain) and gazed at the stars. We were also lucky enough to
Year 3 Stone Age Workshop
On Thursday 17th October Year 3 took part in a stone age workshop run by Eton College. They showed excellent historical enquiry skills by looking at the 3 periods of the stone age and identifying how the time periods changed, as well as handling and drawing actual stone age artefacts!
Thame Partnership Y3/4 Boys’ Football Tournament
On the 12th June, our Yr3/4 boys took part in The Thame Partnership Football Tournament. The year 3s played really well as a team and won one and lost two. The year 4s played brilliantly as a team. They won two, lost one in the heats to qualify for the semi-final. Once again they were victorious