Y6 have had a magical day at the Harry Potter Studios Tour! This was a fantastic way to conclude our Harry Potter topic for this term, and celebrate all of the brilliant work the children have done. Whilst there, we tried Butter Beer, flew a broomstick in the green-screen room, visited the Gryffindor Common Room,
Y5/6 Boy’s Football Friendlies with Tetsworth Primary
Our Y5 and Y6 football teams were pitted against each other, and against a team from Tetsworth, in a friendly event this week. All the players put in a huge amount of effort and played some brilliant football throughout the session, and everyone showed so much support and encouragement for each other. Well done to
KS2 Quidditch Day
Children from across KS2 have taken part in a Quidditch Day, provided by Enrich Education. The day started with a ‘Sorting Assembly’, where our House Captains were sorted into each of the Harry Potter Houses, ready for the day of Quidditch! Classes learnt the role of the different players and the skills involved in Quidditch,
KS2 Cross Country Friendly Event
Our squad of 32 children from across Key Stage Two have taken part in a Cross Country friendly event with Tetsworth Primary School, which was our first inter-school event since February last year! The long distance event included races for boys and girls from Y3/4 and Y5/6 and took place on Tetsworth Village Green. All
Fantastic Fox
Year 3 have made Fantastic Fox masks using felt. Cutting the felt was a challenge but the children really enjoyed sewing their whiskers onto their masks. Here are a few pictures of Mulberry class wearing the final product. Watch out, there are foxes about!
Ancient Egypt
In Reception this term we are learning all about Ancient Egypt. We started our topic last week with a flight to Egypt. The children all created their own passports in the morning session and then used them to board the Egypt Air flight to Cairo, Egypt. They had announcements from the pilot throughout the flight