After our 3/4 boys and girls and 5/6 boys qualified at the Oxford City cross country event in October, the squad travelled to Bicester for the County Finals event on Friday 1st April. There were loads of other schools taking part from across the county, and the course the children had to run was further
UFO Footage
As part of STEAM Week – Space, the Year 2’s investigated a UFO crash site. They had a wonderful time designing and making their own alien.
Y6 Boys’ Football Friendly Against Brill School
JHS 6 Brill 0 (Goals: Dan F 2, Luke 1, Wilf 1, Henry 1) Squad: Ned, Henry, Nick, Wilf, Luca, Luke, Daniel, Joe and Theo Following the usual chant (“John Hampden Nuts”) led by Nick, the boys arrived again in high spirits for this much anticipated match against local rivals Brill, recent winners of the
Thame Partnership Cross Country
Our squad of KS2 children competed in the Thame Partnership Cross Country, which took place at Lord Williams’s Upper School. There was tough competition from the other partnership schools, but our squad finished 1st overall, so are now the Partnership champs! A huge well done to everyone who took part for their effort, determination and
Y6 Netball Club Friendly Match with Ickford School
Our Y6 Netball Club took part in their first ever inter-school match in March against Ickford School. The opponents were a tough team to take on, but our squad did brilliantly and it was great to see them giving everything they had to the match. Well done to everyone for their perseverance and enthusiasm, despite
Choose Love Cake Sale
The wonderful Year 6 children at John Hampden School raised £500 for refugees for Choose Love by organising a cake sale for their ‘Dreams and Goals’ Puzzle piece. This was part of their PSHE curriculum and was planned and run entirely by the children. Their enthusiasm and passion for the cause was fantastic and we