John Hampden have returned with the Thame Partnership Y5/6 Boys’ Football shield after successfully competing in the recent tournament. Twelve teams from across the Thame Partnership provided some very stiff competition, but our two teams both proceeded from their group to compete in the semi-finals. Following a very close (1-0) match against St Andrew’s, one
Oxford City & Thame – Cross Country Champions!
Our cross country squad were the winners at the recent Oxford City and Thame event, which took place at Horspath Athletics Ground. 40 of our children from across KS2 took part in the event, along with over 500 children from schools across Oxford City and Thame. The competition was fierce, but our squad showed determination
Arts Week 2023 – Oceans of the World
This year the children of John Hampden were like Jacque Cousteau, taking a deep dive into Artsweek, incorporating the themes of geography and ecology into our artistic pursuits to create an amalgamation of the oceans of the world on the Jackson Hall wall. We threw ourselves fully into the repurposing of the school communities’ recycling
Young Voices 2023!
On Monday 6th February, 31 member of our John Hampden School Choir travelled to Wembley OVO to take part in a massed concert with over 4500 other school children! We had the most incredible day and after weeks of preparation we sang to a live audience in the arena like true rock stars! Added to
Manor Cup Semi-finalists!
Our Y6 football team has finished victorious in their opening Manor Cup match against Windmill Primary School! It was a fantastic match which took place at Thame United and the quality of football played on both sides was superb. Windmill gave us some stiff competition, but we finished an incredible 4-0, which means we will
Y6 Girls’ Football Friendly vs Tetsworth Primary – 3-1 JHS!!
Our Y6 girls were victorious after taking on Tetsworth Primary in a friendly football fixture. Our girl’s played so brilliantly and they were full of encouragement and support for each other. It was great to see them enjoying the match so much! Well done girls – and here’s to more success in our next matches!