On Wednesday 1stNovember, John Hampden School took part in a Family Lantern Workshopin the Jackson Hall. It was a busy session with parents, carers and JHS children, past and present, taking part in the making and decorating of willow lanterns for the Christmas Lights Parade on Friday 30thNovember. We were aided in our endeavours by
Year 3
Stone Age Visit
We had a great time learning about the Stone Age at Hill End. We built shelters to protect ourselves from the rain, we made spears and axes, gathered firewood from the woods, made bread over the fire, weaved fences and practised our spear throwing at a wild boar!
Circus Dress Up
Year 3 loved their dress up day and looked fantastic! Watching the Greatest Showman was amazing too. In the afternoon we got to create our own circus routine. Great day had by all!
Head Mistress For a Day
Circus Workshop
The children worked incredibly hard learning new skills and tricks during their workshops. We were impressed just how quickly they managed to do this! Thank you again to the vast number of parent’s who were able to join us. We hope you enjoyed the performance as much as us!
Year 3 Circus Day
The children had a spectacular day, it was a massive success and enjoyed by all. The children worked hard in the workshops and practiced many skills including…juggling, plate spinning and even tightrope walking! Thank you again to the parent’s who came along to watch and support the children. We hope you enjoyed it as much as us!