The children celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in style on a sunny afternoon, enjoying a picnic and dancing around the maypole. We even had children showing off their crowns on the catwalk.
Arts Week 2022
Arts Week hall Fantastic Books, John Hampden’s Welcome Return to the World of Artsweek Artsweek 2022 – 23rd to the 27th May This year we saw a welcome return to Artsweek in the Jackson Hall for John Hampden School. Parents, carers, local artists and former staff and community members were again drafted in to support
Guess the Snowflakes
Every year, the children are invited into the hall to look at the Winter Production backdrop and take a guess at how many stars are on the backdrop. This year was a little different, a blizzard was painted so the children had to guess how many snowflakes. There were a handful of children that came
Santa Fly-by
Santa took time out from his busiest time of the year to visit the school in a fly-by. The RAF were on hand to give him a lift in a Puma helicopter whilst his sleigh is being prepped by elves for present delivery.
Police Visit
On Thursday 21st August, the Reception children were visited by the local Police Community Support Officers. The children listened to a story called ‘PC Ben’ which taught them about all the different jobs PSCOs and police officers do. Then there was an opportunity to ask lots of questions and we discovered we have lots of
John Hampden Walks Like an Egyptian! Artsweek 2021
This year John Hampden had a very different Artsweek experience due to the pandemic and keeping our school Covid safe. We still had Artsweek but at a later date and without our usual army of helpers. Artsweek this year was in class, each class timetabling their own week of artisitic activities ranging from silk painting