Read these fantastic reviews from local press. Bucks Herald
Children's Work
Ding Dong Merrily
As the woodwind players are unable to put on an end of term performance this year, their teacher has put together a recording for your listening pleasure. This includes nearly all her pupils from all Thame schools, Wallingford School, Cheney, Windmill and St. Joseph’s Oxford, from beginners to grade 6+ on flute, clarinet and saxophone.
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
The Nursery and Reception children were busy last week creating a special something for you to enjoy. We wish we could have invited you in for a live performance, but we know that you’ll be as proud of them as we are for their amazing adaptation of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Please sit
Handa’s Surprise
The Reception Classes have learnt a version of the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as part of our ‘Thame and Beyond’ topic. We have learnt the story by heart using a story map and Makaton signs to prompt us. In previous years we have invited parents into school for a workshop where they learn and retell the
Poppy Remembrance Display
As well as learning about the importance of Remembrance day we decided to create a poppy display for all of Thame to see. Every child in the school, from Nursery to Year 6, made a poppy to display on the tree in front of the Old School House. The children and teachers worked very hard
Great Fire of London
As part of the Year 2 Great Fire of London topic, the children were able to use their art and design skills to create their own representation of a Tudor house in 1666. The children had a fabulous time and enjoyed setting up their houses to replicate a ‘John Hampden School Pudding Lane’.