Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their three days team building at Woodrow. After their first activity, a scavenger hunt to explore the site, Year 5 split into four groups. Each group participated in a range of activities including shelter building, a night line, a challenge course, low ropes and crate stacking. On their last evening ,
Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve
Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th of February, Year 2 went on their trip to Cuttle Brook’s nature reserve. During their visit, the children took part in a scavenger hunt and drew pictures of the different habitats they saw. Despite the rain, wind and being covered in mud, Mr Eyre took them on an expedition through bogs, puddles, reeds and woodland.
Happy New Year and ID Cards
John Hampden Primary School received a Happy New Year card from école Henri Buisson and ID cards from their CM2 (Year 5 equivalent pupils). The children were fascinated to see the French pupils handwriting as it differs to their own as well as to learn about their favourite hobbies and to see their illustrations. We
Oxford Schools FA Open 7s Competition
JHS YR6 vs New Marston Primary (Group stage) Friday 21st Jan 2022 New Marston 0 – 4 John Hampden Following their previous week’s 4-2 victory against St Nicholas Primary in the Oxford FA Manor cup, the JHS boys continued their rampant form with another well-earned away win at New Marston Primary. They began with a good warm up (fuelled by Jelly Babies) and a very loud shout-out on
Guess the Snowflakes
Every year, the children are invited into the hall to look at the Winter Production backdrop and take a guess at how many stars are on the backdrop. This year was a little different, a blizzard was painted so the children had to guess how many snowflakes. There were a handful of children that came
Santa Fly-by
Santa took time out from his busiest time of the year to visit the school in a fly-by. The RAF were on hand to give him a lift in a Puma helicopter whilst his sleigh is being prepped by elves for present delivery.