Y6 have been learning all about the English Civil War and who John Hampden was. As part of our learning, we visited Thame Museum to learn more about the war and to see a replica ‘John Hampden’s Regiment of Foote’ civil war uniform. On the way there, we visited Greyhound Walk in Thame, which was
Phonics Presentation 2020
In place of the Reception and KS1 phonics events that usually take place we have created a phonics presentation that you can watch instead. Hopefully it will give you more of an idea about phonics teaching at JHS and answers some of your questions about phonics, reading and writing in the EYFS and KS1. We
Hampden Herald – Issue One
A group of year 6 children were keen to start a newspaper for the school. The first edition is hot off the press ready for you all. We hope it will be a fortnightly issue (though may become twice per term if too demanding) as the team are very keen and other year 6’s are
Ukulele Assembly
Here is the long-awaited Ukulele Assembly (put on hold last year because of Lock-Down) Originally this would have taken place when the children were in Year 4, but here are this year’s Year 5’s, performing some songs outside (so they could sing too!) and a few others inside. I hope you agree with me that
Welcome Presentations to Parents
Dear Parents, The teachers at JHS have put together a presentation of information about your child’s year group ahead of parents evening. Please take time to digest the information and teachers will be happy to answer any queries when you meet with them in the coming weeks. Simply click on the links below to access
Raiders of the Tomb at John Hampden Primary School
Ancient Egypt came to life as Year 4 transformed John Hampden School into the Sahara Desert complete with the ancient tombs of Tutankhamen. The children searched the land for Professor Pembroke, followed his clues and deciphered hieroglyphic messages until they found mummified remains of Tutankhamen. They had to crack secret codes to escape the ancient