Arts Week hall
Fantastic Books, John Hampden’s Welcome Return to the World of Artsweek
Artsweek 2022 – 23rd to the 27th May
This year we saw a welcome return to Artsweek in the Jackson Hall for John Hampden School. Parents, carers, local artists and former staff and community members were again drafted in to support the children, and we were glad to find familiar faces signing up as well as lots of new volunteers.
The Jackson Hall rapidly transformed into an eclectic library, mirroring our own new John Hampden Library, complete with classic titles, popular picture books and old faithfuls!
The stories literally burst forth from the giant open book, galloping across the scene, taking our imaginations with them, as a good book always will.
We avoided Medusa’s gaze, as book fairies and unicorns sprinkled magic across the scene.
A wild thing swung from the book shelf, while Max kept a watchful eye on the proceedings from his nook. Matilda was oblivious to it all, wrapped up in a good book, Mrs Trunchball keeping order with her indomitable stare whilst poor Bruce reluctantly ate his chocolate cake.
The children took part in a multitude of art activities within the hall, from altering reclaimed books to sewing bookworms, the ever popular biscuit decorating remaining a firm favourite.
Christine Tacq, book artist, attended many sessions, printing on book pages and book making with a variety of children.
The Story Museum brought books to life with the year 6 classes, visualising book settings through their senses.
Classes made life size versions of their favourite book characters which populated the hall, as well as a giant page from their favourite book, which were then amalgamated by Mr Eyre into a larger than life anthology of titles.
The week passed all too quickly and culminated in a whole school dress up day, where children and staff took on the role of their favourite book character and came together for a whole school celebration of our artwork through a community arts café.
John Hampden was definitely lost in a good book but will return after half term to enjoy our artistic endeavours afresh.
Thanks go to all the volunteers, without whom Artsweek could not take place, and to the PTFA who fund Artsweek each year.
We look forward to doing it all again next year, when we return to our regular time in February, and hope to see you all there!