For Sport Relief this year, the JHS Sports Ambassador team organised several different events throughout the day, including skipping, a penalty shoot-out, Buddy Run and a Multi-Sports afternoon for the whole school!
The skipping and penalty shoot-out took place across break and lunch time. We made the shoot-out a bit of a competition by keeping count of the number of goals scored for each year group (our Sports Ambassador goalies didn’t let too many in though!). The whole school took part in a Buddy Run in the morning, where older buddies collected their younger buddy from their classroom and they ran the JHS mile together. It was great to see everyone enjoying being healthy! During the afternoon, all of Y6 ran a Multi-Sports event for all the other year groups. This involved running a variety of sport challenges that everyone worked around. Everyone had a very active and fun day! We also held a sports-mufti, which means that we raised quite a bit of money for the Sport Relief charities!
We raised a massive total of £299.10.